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Learn Data Engineering

The Data Engineering Coaching Explained

Updated: Apr 18, 2020

I'm very happy to announce that I am now able to do coaching for Data Engineers.

In this post I am going to show you what we do in the coaching.

Usual Process

  1. You earn a certificate of knowledge - You go to university - You learn computer science - You learn data science tools and techniques

  2. You do online courses to further deepen your knowledge

  3. You do internships

  4. You research job postings and apply

  5. You become a data engineer

--> This is not working so great!

We Are Reverse Engineering The Process

  1. You research job postings (data engineer)

  2. You become your own intern by doing a project that uses skills and technologies from those job postings

  3. You create your own certificate of knowledge through documenting your work and building a professional profile

  4. You apply to the researched jobs or jobs just like those, showing off your skills

  5. You become a Data Engineer

Is This Coaching For Me?

Yes If:

  • You are interested into the engineering (the plumbing) of data science

  • You are a student and you want to find your first job

  • You are a professional and want to transition into data engineering

No If:

  • You want to become a Data Scientist and need help

  • You are looking for data analytics and machine learning infos

How The Coaching Works

  • The program is organized into modules. The target is for you to finish the coaching within 12 Weeks.

  • Coaching is a combination of prepared content and live group coaching sessions.

  • You work on your project independently throughout the week

  • You document your code on GitHub

  • You get access to write in the Team Data Science Blog

  • You document your work and findings through weekly blog posts

  • I do office hours every week to guide you through the process and answer all your questions.

  • I am also going to try bringing in recruiters to help you find your first job more quickly

Coaching Modules

  1. Set Your Goals

  2. Research job Postings

  3. Create Your Social Media Profile

  4. How To Document Your Work

  5. Find A Good Data Set

  6. Design Your Platform And Pipelines

  7. Start Building With Quickstart Modules

  8. Your Project Presentation

  9. Building Your CV And Job Application

I Do Coaching Sessions Twice A Week For 1 Hour

  • Monday Sessions start at 7.30am Germany time

  • Thursday Sessions start at 10.00pm Germany time

  • Through web meeting

  • You can also call in to the meeting over telegram (I call you back)

  • Office hours are live and get recorded (I only publish videos with you in the picture if you want)

  • I put interesting bits from the office hours on my youtube channel for others to learn

  • Office hours are public (for coaching members), people can join the meeting, listen in and interact. - This way you can learn from other attendees situations and questions. - Others can also learn from your questions - You can have direct contact with others and build a teams

For Private Topics & Outside Live Coaching

  • Private coaching Slack group

  • You can always send me an E-Mail

  • Write me on telegram directly.

Requirements For The Coaching

  • You need to speak English

  • Time to do a project from home

  • A Reasonably good computer to do the project

  • Time to write blog posts and document your work

  • For the Office Hours - Microphone - Webcam (optional)

Read more FAQs here: Click this Link

If you join the coaching or not, create your free user today and let me know what you think in the Comments!




Zaira Zafar
Feb 20, 2020

It's a great initiative. I am thrilled to learn from this. Do let me know how to register for the classes!


Feb 20, 2020

What is the difference between the free content and coaching classes offered? is it only the office hours? What is office hours at 10 PM german time is not suitable?

Also, how do we get help in picking up the right project to work on? And, should the project be completed in a week? And the validity of the coaching says only 12 weeks, but what if for some reasons you get a little busy with professional life and did not get time to complete the tasks for that week.

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