Jobs in the field of data science are in great demand. But how do you get a job like this?

The first thing you have to do is set personal goals.
What do you actually want to achieve?
Where do you see yourself in the next few years?
What exactly do you want to do?
What kind of company do you want to work for?
Where and how do you want to live? Do you possibly want to go abroad?
These are all questions you have to ask yourself first and then define your goals.

Afterwards you should research job advertisements. Go to the best search platforms and see what jobs are available there. For example, who advertises jobs in the field of Data Engineering and what are the contents of these jobs.
Which tools do they need and what qualifications do you need for these jobs?
When you have researched all this, you should write down the important points for yourself.
That way you will find out what kind of profile or knowledge you need.

Then you start a simple project. Start by looking at the tools and technologies you wrote down in step 2 based on the job posting.
Here comes often a problem that many people encounter. Frequently the questions are: How do I start a simple project? What is a simple project?
My Cookbook will help at this point - it’s a helper that will support you with exactly these problems.

It is important that you document your project. This is of utmost importance. You must document what you do. All the experiences you gain must be documented.
So it's important that you learn how to document on GitHub. It's just as helpful to learn how to write blog posts or create videos.

When you have learned all this, you should expand your project. Go deeper.

And you should also continue to document these further processes and experiences.

Then you build your resume and application around this new knowledge. It is important that you target the companies or vacancies that are looking for people with a profile like yours. In other words, the job offers you researched in step 2.

Now you can apply for the vacant positions. And your documented project will be a great help to you! Because exactly this stuff, which you learned yourself, is what these companies are looking for.
And through the documentation you can show exactly what you can do.

Once you have convinced the company of you and your knowledge, you will hopefully be hired and begin your journey as a data science professional!

You will now learn a lot of things on the job and see where it all leads to. This will certainly be a very interesting time!
The process you have now gone through:

This process definitely brings you a step closer to your Data Science job. It's best to start right away!
How I can help you with this
My Cookbook can help you with this process. But of course it's not a 1:1 coaching where you can be perfectly helped with your project and your special problem.
But even then I can help you, with my Data Engineer Coaching I offer you exactly that! I support you concretely with your project. I help you not to stray in the wrong direction but to stay focused. Furthermore, you get in contact with people who are interested in the same topics and you can exchange information with each other.
Read more about my coaching program here - I'm looking forward to welcoming you to the team!
What do you think about the Data Science job process? Have you ever experienced something like this before? For example, did you get an internship because you documented something? That would be very interesting to know. I look forward to your comments!
>> created by Mira Roth
My free 100+ pages Data Engineering Cookbook
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