What is Team Data Science?
With Team Data Science I want to build a free Data Science community for Engineers and Scientists.The goal is to connect you with like minded people, share Data Science knowledge for free and help each other.
Plus, I want to help you build your professional profile through my coaching program. This will help you find jobs easier and help you learn data science.
What is included in the FREE subscription?
With the free plan you get write access to the forum.
You can create posts and write answers.
Is there free content?
Access to all the Forum, the Data Engineering Cookbook, the Podcast and YouTube videos are and will always be free. Check them out.
Why Building a Professional Profile and Do A Project?
I am a firm believer in hands-on reputation, not course certificates. Team leads always look for experience and a social media profile these days. If you can showcase your experience you automatically have a better chance than someone with only a certificate.
Is the coaching mainly focused on Data Engineering?
Yes, if you are into Data Engineering and Big Data this is what you are looking for.
I am a Data Scientist, can I join the coaching?
Of course! Data Scientists often work with data engineers and need to understand Data Engineering tools and techniques. This knowledge can be very beneficial for a job search.
Please keep in mind though this is an engineering program. You will not learn about machine learning and other pure Data Scientist topics in the coaching sessions.
How does the coaching work?
I do office hours twice a week. There we discuss what you learned and your new blog post, as well as how you should move forward. During the week you research, do hands-on work and create one blog post. After three months you hold a presentation of what you learned. There is no fixed curriculum. You choose what you are interested in.
I can point you in a direction though ;)
Here's a visualization:

Is there a recommended length for the coaching?
The coaching is planned for three months.
What do I get after three months?
You will leave with:
Connections to other Engineers
12 blog posts
A video presentation of your skills
Get featured in multiple short clips of the office hours (if you want)
You will always be able to write blog posts for the official blog after finishing the coaching

Do you give a job guarantee?
No, I can't give you a guarantee. I am looking to bring on strategic recruiters in the future though. My goal is to connect you with them and give you a great chance to land that Data Science job.
I am a recruiter how can I get in touch?
Write me an e-mail to andreas@teamdatascience.com
Is there a dedicated Data Scientist coaching?
Not yet. Right now I only do Data Engineer Coaching, because that's what I know best. I am not a data scientist. Maybe I will bring on another coach in the future for Data Scientists.
Is there a limit of entrees for the coaching sessions?
No, I thought about it, but with the office hours setup I think we have enough time to discuss important topics
How can I pay for the coaching?
You can use Credit Card or Paypal, no problem.
Is there a monthly payment option?
Not right now.
Can I write blog posts in a FREE plan?
Yes, you can write blog posts for free in the forum!
Only participants or former participants of a Coaching subscription can write blog posts on the official blog.
What is the cost of the coaching?
Is payment through Debit Card allowed?